domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014

Inauguración textual

Este blog ha sido creado con la ilusión de impulsar y sacar a relucir esa alma viajera que hay dentro de cada uno de nosotros, de dejar de lado la monotonía del día a día y atreverse a salir de esto que llamamos <zona de comfort>. Espero ser fuente de inspiración para cientos -y quien sabe, miles- de personas allí fuera que han buscado desde hace mucho tener un cambio drástico en sus vidas.

En esta noche, donde cree y di vida a este blog, recuerdo el viaje que hice a principios de este año a Valparaiso. Maldito sentimiento de volver a recorrer tus calles y volver a sentirte parte de mi. Joe Vasconcellos y su tema "La Joya del Pacifico" resume perfectamente el sentimiento que evoca Valpo.

This blog may be written in English as well. The idea is that not only Spanish speakers can read it but also people from other countries. This is the very begining though, yet I do hope someday I could start writting not only in English and Spanish but also in other languages so that it reaches more and more people. Hope you enjoy it.

In this blog I'll post information, tips and all what I think is useful to anyone who plan to travel. This is what I want to do and this is what I believe I was born for. My expectations are high so I do hope I'm able to make all my dreams come true, that means, have the chance to travel abroad and get to know as many cultures and people as I can. I'll be the proof for all of you outside who think your dreams will never become real. I'll be the one who shows you we were all born to be happy and do the things we really want to do.

Pic taken during my trip to Valparaiso (March 14')

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